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Xero Integration FAQs

A few frequently asked questions about the Landlord Studio - Xero integration.

Ben Luxon avatar
Written by Ben Luxon
Updated over a week ago

Why Would I Need To Use The Xero Integration?

Landlord Studio by itself does not track assets, depreciation of specific assets, or generate a balance sheet. If you're looking for more advanced accounting functionality, please consider using our Xero accounting software integration.

Do you need to create a new Xero account?

In order to make use of our Xero integration, you will need an active Xero account. This could be an existing account or a new one.

What kind of Landlord Studio account do I need?

You can make use of the Xero integration as long as you have a Landlord Studio PRO subscription. Find out more about Landlord Studio's pricing.

What kind of Xero account do you need?

The integration is currently designed to work with Xero Cashbook and Xero Ledger accounts. However, users can use the integration currently for any type of Xero account.

Can you edit data in Xero and automatically sync it to Landlord Studio?

This is a one-way integration meaning data is only pushed from Landlord Studio to Xero, not the other way around. Any edits made in Xero will not automatically sync to Landlord Studio, as such updates will need to be manually made in Landlord Studio.

Does the integration push support documents to Xero (eg. receipts)?

This integration does not support file sharing. We suggest uploading all of your support documentation to Landlord Studio for future reference and backing it up in cloud storage such as Google Drive which can easily be shared with your accountant.

Why do I need tracking categories in Xero?

Tracking categories are logical ways to group your data. When using Xero you can break down and customize your reports using these tracking categories.

What this means is that by mapping each property in Landlord Studio with a Xero tracking category you will be able to track your financials in Xero on a property-by-property basis and create customized reports filterable by property.

What are the main benefits of using the integration for landlords?

  • The seamless synchronization of data removes the need for double handling of data, saving you time and reducing errors.

  • Take full advantage of the end-to-end property management tools provided by Landlord Studio, such as rental listings, reminders, document storage, and more,

  • Utilize Landlord Studio's easy-to-use app to easily track income and expenses on the go, digitize receipts at the point of sale, and view and reconcile bank transactions in real time.

  • Leverage the industry-leading reporting and accounting functionality of Xero.

  • Make tax time easier by giving your accountants access to your Xero accounts to make your end-of-year financial reporting at tax time as easy and streamlined as possible.

What if there are no corresponding categories in my chart of accounts?

While we have a recommended setup and chart of accounts that you use, you do not have to do it this way. If you’re uncertain about setting up the integration we recommend speaking with your accountant for advice.

Can the integration import historical data from Landlord Studio?

The integration will start synchronizing data as soon as you have completed the set-up (as long as the income and expense categories are mapped). However, at this time, you cannot synchronize historical transactions through the integration.

Instead, you will need to download bank statements for the relevant range and import these to Xero. Please check out Xero's help doc here.

Why am I getting the “You do not have sufficient access to connect this organization” error?

You must have the standard or adviser user role in your Xero account to connect Landlord Studio to your Xero account. Please ask your accountant to change your role or reach out to Xero support here.

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