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How to Invite Clients via Partner Portal

This article describes how partners could invite their clients to Landlord Studio via the Partner Portal

Oliver Chiang avatar
Written by Oliver Chiang
Updated over a year ago

Join the partner program today through the Landlord Studio website and save your clients time and money and empower your team to offer value-add services for happier clients that stay with your practice for longer.

Clients that accept your invitation get 20% off their subscription price and their accounts will automatically be connected to you in the background, making it easier than ever for you to see what’s going on in their world.

Two additional features are also available to your accounting firm that allow you to:

  • Purchase discounted client licenses (Billed directly to your accounting firm).

  • Full access to your client's account (Best for editing client account data).

If your accounting firm is interested in these features, please reach out using the blue chat widget, or email us at

How to Invite Clients

To invite a client you first need to have created your partner account. This can be done on the Landlord Studio website.

If you have access to the Partner Portal but can't see the "Invite Client" button, please contact support.

If you are not yet a Landlord Studio partner, please visit the website and apply to become a partner today!

1. To invite clients to use Landlord Studio, first, you need to log into your partner account. You will be directed to a page showing a list of all of your clients.

2. Click on the "Invite Client" button located in the top right-hand corner of the page.

3. Enter the client's details in the pop-up that appears. Please ensure that the first name and email address of the client are provided.

Note: client invites can only be sent to unregistered email addresses. Clients with an existing Landlord Studio account will need to invite you to their Organization as an accountant.

4. An email invite will be sent to the client email address that you enter. Your client then has 30 days to accept the invite.

5. You can review the client's invite statuses by selecting the "Invited Client" tab located near the top of the screen.

6. Clients that accept your invitation (or invited you via their Organization) will appear under the "Active Clients" tab once the invite is accepted.

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