To begin tracking income you need to first add your lease to the property. Your lease details the duration of the tenancy, rent frequency, and rent amount. There are also several advanced features that can be set up when creating your lease including automated rent reminder emails.
Note: You will need to add property before you can add a lease. If you have turned on the HMO / Multiunit property toggle, you will also need to first add your units.
To Add a Lease to your Property
In the below example we are adding a Multi-unit property so the first thing you need to do is add a unit to your property building.
Step 1. Click ‘Add Unit’ and name it.
Step 2. Select your new unit.
Step 3. The ‘Add Lease’ button will appear on the property dashboard once your property or unit has been created. Tap this button.
Step 4. Add in the details of the lease to the form.
The beginning date and rent frequency must be entered. Selecting monthly will automatically set your rent collection date as the first. You can edit this any time before the first payment has been logged.
Advanced Lease Features
Step 5: You can set rent due and overdue reminders when adding your lease if you desire. These reminders automatically send out our template rent due or rent overdue reminders to your tenant’s email address.
Step 6: Adding late fees.
If your lease stipulates that you charge late fees you can set these up in the system at this point.
At the bottom of the lease page, there is a section where you can set the amount of the late fee, the grace period, and any recurring additional fees if the tenant doesn’t immediately rectify the situation.
You can add these in, or edit them at any time by editing the lease details.
Visit our blog for more information on Late Fees and Grace Periods.
Step 7. Save.
This will take you back to your property dashboard which will now display the rent amount due, and the date the rent is due.
Editing a Lease and Ending a Tenancy
If a tenant moves out early you will want to bring forward the end date of the lease in the system.
To edit a lease you need to navigate to the relevant property via the left-hand menu bar.
Then tap on the blue pen icon that is to the right and down from the log payment button.
You can edit lease details like the end date which you might need to do if you terminate a tenancy early, for example.
You can delete a lease by scrolling to the bottom of the edit lease page and hitting the delete lease button.
Desktop Portal
Adding a Lease to your Property
Step 1. Navigate to the properties screen via the left-hand menu.
Step 2. Click on your property.
Step 3. Click the add lease button.
Step 4. Enter the Lease details
You must add at least:
Start date
Rent amount
Rent frequency
Payment frequency
Payment date (monthly only)
Step 5. Scroll down to see the additional features. Here you can set your automated rent reminders and late rent fees. Alternatively, you can add these in later.
Step 6. Hit save.
Editing the Property Lease
Step 1. Navigate to the properties screen via the left-hand menu.
Step 2. Click on your property.
Step 3. Click on the “Edit Lease” button
Step 4. Edit the lease details you want to change
Note: You cannot edit the lease start date, payment frequency, or payment date after you log an initial payment. If this needs to be changed you will need to delete the lease and start again.
Step 5. Hit Save
Note: You can edit your lease end date as well as the automated rent reminders at any time.