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Accounting & Reporting
Streamline your accounting with our advanced reporting and task automation to reduce your workload.
Tracking Income
Track rental property income at a unit, property, or organization level.
Log PaymentsTrack all of your rental income by quickly and easily logging payments in Landlord Studio.
Log Payments on MobileKeep track of all your rent payments in Landlord Studio. How to enter payments and track rental income.
Log Payments Against OrganizationKeep track of your income against your organization
How To Log Returned DepositsYou will need to collect a deposit at the beginning of each tenancy and return an amount of that deposit at the end.
Tracking Expenses
Stay on top of rental property expenses, scan receipts and more.
Tracking ExpensesRecord all expenses related to each unit, multi-unit, or organization to make tax time easy.
Mileage TrackerRecord all your expenses including your work related mileage for tax purposes in the app
Smart Receipt ScanEasily digitize receipts with our smart scan feature.
Managing Capital ExpensesMark expenses as capital expenses to easily separate depreciable expenses from deductible ones.
Managing Recurring ExpensesSet recurring expenses and save time tracking ongoing regular expenses.
How To Track Property DepreciationYou can track depreciation in the Landlord Studio software as a recurring expense.
How to Filter and Search your ExpensesFilter expenses by date range, description, category and amount
Expenses Payable By TenantsSome expenses are payable by tenants, in this article we go through how to add expenses that are paid by the tenant.
View All ExpensesView and manage all your expenses in one place
How to Track A Refunded ExpenseShould an expense be refunded by the vendor, make sure to update your accounts accordingly.
Bank Feeds
Reduce data entry by connecting your bank account and reconciling transactions
How to Setup Bank Feeds – DesktopConnect your bank account to easily track / reconcile rent payments and expenses.
How to Reconcile Transactions – Desktop
How to Create Bank Rules – DesktopCreate bank rules to automate income and expense tracking.
Unreconcile and Ignore Transactions – DesktopYou can now unreconcile transactions as well as remove transactions that aren’t related to your property from your feed.
Split Income and Expenses in Bank Feed – MobileSplit income and expenses into multiple transactions and across multiple properties on iOS and desktop when reconciling from the bank feeds.
Unreconcile and Ignore Transactions – MobileYou can now unreconcile erroneously reconciled transactions and remove unrelated ones from your bank feed.
Learn how to instantly generate and share over 15 accountant-approved reports.
Summary: Landlord Studio ReportsExplore Landlord Studio’s powerful reports in our GO, PRO and PRO Plus plans and what they’re used for.
Generating ReportsEasily generate professional finance reports for your properties.
Schedule E 1040 ReportMake tax time easy with our customizable Schedule E report.
Important and customizable rental property financial settings.
Mortgage DetailsYou can add or edit mortgage details in the app, this will help for tax purposes and to better understand your net worth.
Property ValuationYou can add property valuation into the app to help for tax purposes and better understanding of property yield and value.
Add Your AccountantInvite your accountant to have view only access to your data so that they can run reports and help you stay on top of your accounts.